2012-05-02 15:15:31 UTC
WWOTBG will be on TCM tomorrow 5/3/12 at 5:30pm EST. I have an old
copy on VHS tape that I recorded many years ago from a TCM broadcast.
Does anyone know why the aspect ratio changes after the opening
titles? It looks like the version that TCM had when I made a copy was
a 35mm print that was transferred from a 70mm Ultra Panavision print.
For the prologue and opening titles it looks like the full 70mm Ultra
Panavision image was transfered to the 35mm print. After that, it was
cropped cutting off information on all four sides.
See an example here of the prologue (post number 273):
It looks like nothing is missing.
But, if you look at scene from latter on in the movie on this page on
my web site compared to Marty's, it's cropped:
I know most people think this movie is terrible but, I'm just
wondering from a technical aspect why they would change what part of
the image was transferred from the 70mm print to the 35mm.
copy on VHS tape that I recorded many years ago from a TCM broadcast.
Does anyone know why the aspect ratio changes after the opening
titles? It looks like the version that TCM had when I made a copy was
a 35mm print that was transferred from a 70mm Ultra Panavision print.
For the prologue and opening titles it looks like the full 70mm Ultra
Panavision image was transfered to the 35mm print. After that, it was
cropped cutting off information on all four sides.
See an example here of the prologue (post number 273):
It looks like nothing is missing.
But, if you look at scene from latter on in the movie on this page on
my web site compared to Marty's, it's cropped:
I know most people think this movie is terrible but, I'm just
wondering from a technical aspect why they would change what part of
the image was transferred from the 70mm print to the 35mm.